Shine a Light!

As the darker nights return, drivers and pedestrians in Ruddington may be pleased to hear that long-awaited work to replace a missing lighting column in our village centre is scheduled for this weekend.

It’s around a year since an electrical fault in the base of the street light at the corner of High Street and Charles Street caused it to rather dramatically burst into flames and then slowly ‘wilt’ to the floor. The top of the burnt out column was subsequently cut off, and the remaining stump covered up on safety grounds – complete with a yellow warning notice. It’s since been a very long wait for any further action.

Work to replace it was originally scheduled by Nottinghamshire County Council back in May – but then didn’t happen.

Fingers crossed, contractor Via East Midlands says this work – to remove what’s left of the old street lamp and put up a brand new one – will now take place this Sunday, October 9th, between 7.00am and 11.00am. During this period there will be 3-way temporary traffic lights in use at the junction of High Street, Kirk Lane and Charles Street.

Coupled with Severn Trent Water works along Kirk Lane – with two-way signals there – it’s likely to cause a few delays for Sunday morning traffic through Ruddington this weekend, until the work is completed.

UPDATE – Sunday 9th October 10.24am:

This morning’s Via East Midlands installation was completed ahead of schedule – and our shiny new LED lamp post is now in place and pictured below.

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